Benjamin Aunkofer

Expert for Enterprise AI (Artificial Intelligence) as well as for Process Mining and Business Intelligence on Cloud-agnostic Data Platforms.

What I Do

Data Science

Data science is an interdisciplinary field that uses scientific methods, processes, algorithms and systems to extract knowledge and insights from noisy, structured and unstructured data, and apply knowledge and actionable insights from data across a broad range of application domains.

Process Mining

Process mining is a technique designed to discover, monitor and improve real processes (i.e., not assumed processes) by extracting readily available knowledge from the event logs of information systems.

Data Strategy

Data Strategy describes a set of choices and decisions that together, chart a high-level course of action to achieve high-level goals.

Cloud Data Engineering

Cloud data engineering is the process of retrieving, cleaning, transforming, and storing data in the cloud to support the ongoing data and reporting needs of your decision makers.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the key success factor for competitiveness and helps executives and managers not just to make best business decisions, but also to execute the business with full-automation.

Trainings & Seminars

I train employees to apply the basics of Data Science, whether in purchasing, controlling, sales, production, quality or risk management! And also Executives who need to understand and apply the basics of Big Data securely.

Author Profiles

Hard Skills

Programming Languages:
C#, Python

SQL Server (T-SQL)
Oracle DB (PL/SQL), MySQL, PostgreSQL, snowflake, 
Neo4J (Cypher).

Big Data Tools:
Azure Synapse, Databricks, (Apache Spark).


Data & AI:
Enterprise AI, LLM, NLP,
Deep Learning, BI, Cloud,
Process Mining.

Business Intelligence:
MS Power BI, Tableau, MicroStrategy, QlikSense & many more.

Process Mining:
Event Logs, Celonis, UiPath, Signavio & many more.

Web Sites

Data Science Blog
DATANOMIQ Independent Data Solutions
AUDAVIS Audit Analytics



  • Business Intelligence
  • Process Mining
  • Data Science
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Cloud Compiuting
  • Team Building
  • Project Management
  • Data Strategy

Big Data Engineering

Big Data | Data Engineering | Data Governance


Data Warehousing | Reporting | Ad-Hoc Analysis


Process Transparency | Process Audit | Process Optimization


Applied Statistics | Machine Learning | Deep Learning

Interim Management Positions

6 months

Chief Data Engineer / Scientist

Data Engineering & Science @ Gebauer & Griller
Cloud Data Platform on MS Azure and Data Analytics / Science for Supply Chain Management.

15 months

Project Manager for Audit & Forensic

Project Management @ KPMG
Tool introduction and governance of tools for audit and forensic.

5 months

Head of Data Engineering

Head of Data Engineering @ SellerX
Project Management of Migration from MS Azure BI System to snowflake, dbt, AWS.

4x Data Engineers

5 months

Data Science Success Manager

Data Science Manager @ MunichRe
Project Management for Data Science Deployment, MLOp, NLP, Computer Vision Use Cases, Linux, CI/CD, REST APIs

2x Data Scientists

10 months

Interim Head of Data

Business Intelligence @ KW Commerce GmbH
Lead of 2x Data Engineers, 3x Data Analysts, 2x Software Engineers
Azure Cloud & Services, MS PowerBI, Python


Interim Manager for Process Mining

Project Management @ Merck Group
O2C/P2P Process Analysis, SAP ECC, SAP Hana, Celonis, PAFNow, Mehrwerk Process Mining

8 months

Interim Head of Business Intelligence & Analytics

Business Intelligence @ Mister Spex GmbH
Lead of 5x Data Engineers, 3x Data Analysts, 2x Data Scientists
Microsoft SQL Server, Azure Cloud & Services, MS PowerBI, Python

12 months

Interim Head of Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence @ Chal-Tec GmbH
Lead of 2x Data Engineers, 3x Data Analysts
Microsoft SQL Server on-premise, QlikSense

4 months

Data Analytics Consultant

Data Warehouse @ Deutsche Bank in Frankfurt am Main
Oracle DB, MicroStrategy, Excel


Trainings for Enterprises

Benjamin Aunkofer ist Trainer für Business Intelligence, Process Mining und Data Science für Unternehmen aus verschiedenen Branchen.

University Profiles

Lehrbeauftragung @HTW Berlin

Lecturer for Data Strategy
Business Administration and Engineering

Lehrbeauftragung @FHM Berlin

Lecturer for Data Science & Big Data 
(General Technology Management)

Lehrbeauftragung @ Digital Business University

Lecturer for Deep Reinforcement Learning 
(Data Science / AI)

Bachelor & Master Thesis of my students

    • Cryptocurrency Price Prediction Using Machine Learning
      Techniques with Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis

      ♦ Master of Business Administration – 2023

    • Digitalisierung des Mitarbeitereinstellungs- und Onboarding-Prozesses durch Integration der bestehenden ERP-, HR- und DMS-Systeme sowie einer externen Signaturlösung
      (Digitalisation of the employee recruitment and onboarding process through integration of the existing ERP, HR and DMS systems as well as an external signature solution)

      ♦ Bachelor of Science – 2021/2022
    • Analyse von SAP-Hana Klassifikationsalgorithmen anhand ausgewählter Kaggle-Beispiele (Analysis of SAP-Hana classification algorithms using selected Kaggle examples)
      ♦ Bachelor of Science -2020/2021
    • Erweiterung des Process Mining von Signavio Process Intelligence um Prozessbearbeitungsdaten aus Signavio Process Manager mit anschließender Auswertung der Ergebnisse (Extension of the process mining of Signavio Process Intelligence by processing data from Signavio Process Manager with subsequent evaluation of the results)
      ♦ Master of Science – 2020 / 2021

    • Entwicklung eines Prädiktionsmodells für Retouren im Handel als Einstieg in ein System der dynamischen Preisanpassung (Development of a prediction model for returns in retail as an introduction to a system of dynamic price adjustment)
      ♦ Master of Science – 2018

Student Projects & Mentoring

    • Performance-Vergleich von vortrainierten Deep Learning Modellen für NLP (Natural Language Processing) zum Auslesen von Daten aus gescannten Rechnungen.   
      ♦ Students Master of Science Wirtschaftsinformatik – 2022

    • Entwicklung eines Machine Learning Modells, das für Signavio Process Intelligence rekonstruierte Prozesse mit geänderten Prozessen vergleichbar macht und Auswirkungsgrößen bei Prozessänderung vorhersagt.
      ♦ Students Master of Science Wirtschaftsinformatik – 2021

    • AI-based invoice data extraction by applying Transfer Learning on LayoutVM-Models
      ♦ Students Master of Science Wirtschaftsinformatik – 2022

    • Anomaly Detection for Financial Auditing (Journal Entry Testing) in vectorized financial datasets
      ♦ Students Master of Science Wirtschaftsinformatik – 2023

Mentoring your Young Professionals

Benjamin Aunkofer ist Mentor der DSI Deutschlandstiftung Integration gGmbH für das Stipendien- und Mentoringprogramm GEH DEINEN WEG.

Business Photos

Benjamin Aunkofer - Business Photos


How Can I Help You?

+49 (0) 176 666 909 56

Book your appointment with Benjamin Aunkofer, expert for BI, AI and Process Mining.


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Verantwortlicher Inhaber:
Benjamin Aunkofer GmbH & Co. KG

Benjamin Aunkofer

Franklinstraße 11
10587 Berlin


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